Tuesday, February 14, 2012


A Dedication to friendship

There were those who had stayed and in time moved along, on their way. Then there were those who had stayed but for a brief while. Though both have left, they have left their impressions.

There are those who have stayed through all these years and continue to stay, for they have chosen to be an integral part of my life.

They are those, who chose to be close and still are. They have remained, and inspire me, each in his own way. They are people I look forward to, to share my joys and they are there in times of pain to comfort me.

These are people who have come at different stages and grown along with me, keeping me company. After all, what are friends for. No demands only acceptance in this relationship.

It has been a long time since I expressed myself. Now I have the time and the urge to put forth what I have within me and which has been crying for release. Though I started blogging in late 2009, I remained silent throughout 2010 and midway through 2011 when I went through a phase, a change in the pattern of my life.

It has been my endeavour to reach the fiftieth posting in my blog and dedicate it to my friends. This is not an original idea of mine, it was Nandu who started it all when he made a special mention of me in that fiftieth blog of his. I was overwhelmed. You can say that Nandu set the goals -

I read it, enjoyed it but could not add my comment. What could have I said, “thank you”? May be through this posting I can continue what Nandu started. He will understand, that he has opened the gates. Now I can say thank you to all my friends

This is “A Dedication to Friendship”.


Ravikumar Devareddy said...

I do not know if I am in or out on your list (!), but your post speaks volumes of your personality which has always been a talking point in my house not only when we were neighbours (16 years back) but even now. You have a charm that is not easy to replicate and nice to see it alive even @60s.

Keep going great guns, subbu sir.

Varsha Uke Nagpal said...

Friends are those in whom you repose your trust. They are the ones you can actually take for granted. If a true friend then they will always be with you no matter what.
I talk with a school friend of mine as though we had never parted.

kumarmama said...

Don't fail to give credit to yourself because friendship is obviously a two way thing. Even love can be one way but friendship has to be two way. If you have true long time friends that shows merit. 'some where in my youth or childhood I must have done something good' as Julie Andrews sang. FaceBook has sort of devalued the word converting every clicking acquaintance in to a friend but no matter, that is the way of big business and in any case acquaintances, whatever called, also tell us something. But friends are special. Unlike blood relations, they don't HAVE to talk to you. That they do shows, in some small way, that life has had a purpose

Anonymous said...

Your comments today have given me a pause. There are so many moments when you feel you want to respond and then something happens and the moment gets lost. You have this great ability of gently drawing the other person to respond to you. Just this morning my daughter told me today is Friendship day and I was mildly cynical having been part of the media world for the last nearly two decades. But your thoughts and their expression have made me realize that anything can be an inspiration, a prerana!

Ravikumar Devareddy said...

It was a great feeling when I met you recently in Chennai after many years. The same warmth, the same wit......no wonder it is 365 friendship days in the year for you, why only today sirji!

Ram said...

Incidentally, u r one of the only two persons in d Bank with whom I was acquainted even b4 I joined d Bank (coincidentally d other one is also a Subramanian!!!). Apart from being friends I also shared a unique relationship as ur landlord (perhaps, for the longest time - in any case, u were my longest tenant!). U r indeed an outstanding person - be it banking, general awareness, music, painting, we have had discussions (debates, arguments!???) on a variety of subjects, but above all, u r a wonderful human being - and that is not easy! I'm privileged to be one of ur 'contacts'.

Heather West said...

Happiness without boundaries, that is my emotional state! Keep it coming, Subbu, your words, your thoughts, your loves, hates and all emotions, because you are one person who captures all that we we all are! Remembering those days when we all were green and enthusiastic, when words were magic and to outdo each other without becoming competitors was the best we could do! Mind goes back to our evenings in Wien at Fatehgunj, and Paramount in Ahmedabad (later Collegian) playing with words and causing mirth and then, classroom sessions in Pune when we passed around a chain poem effort starting with 'Brevity is the soul of wit' and made our instructors Joshi, Sabnis etc wonder how we became so seriously addicted to learning, and what more!
Fun days never end!


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